Howdy Gregg,
Things thawing out there?
You know, you might try going to you can get owners manuals there.
Be aware though, they have a very outdated/screwed up site. It doesn't work with all browsers. It's absolutely amazing.....They actually apologize for it rather than fix it!!!
I guess Microshaft forces them to use some sort of proprietary sort of HTML or Javascript!! (maybe they're OWNED by MS!!!)
They say you have to use Micro$of+ Exploder or something!! You click on your year model and when the manual appears (Adobe Acrobat file) you can right click on it and click "save as" and save the PDF to your desktop. It is a big file and seems to have a lot of info there.
I'd love to know how you're coming with your 261. Since we spoke last I found out that Doug Russell Marine has OMC 460 Couplers ($600) and exhaust manifolds ($600) EACH! But at least they can be bought! Maybe someone unless they were old stock sitting on someones shelf someone must be finally making that stuff.
I still haven't done anything with my King Cobra drive stuff....Maybe I'll put it all on Ebay this summer.
I looked over the "Sportboat" owners manual I downloaded from Four Winns. I didn't get much out of it.
You may be on your own on the hull manual unless Four Winns has something else...
Thanks for the info on the ZDDP. Yes that may be a problem. Certainly with flat tappet engines. (454 in my Liberator is a roller engine)
I do have a 55 Ford truck I'm putting a 292 in and it does have flat tappets. I have been using Shell Rotella 5W40 in just about everything though. It still has ZDDP in it but all diesel oils are slated to have zinc and other stuff removed in the future. We all may be stuck with additives or current oils....