
Smart Tow
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Author:  SMLBound [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Smart Tow

I'm curious to know if Smart Tow can be added to my 2008 H240 when it didn't come with the boat originally? The more waterskiing we're doing the more advantageous it looks. I've read good things about it. Anyone done this after the fact like I'm considering?

The boat has a MerCruiser 350 Mag MPI, but I suspect DTS (Direct Throttle Shift) is another option I'd need? Trying to determine if it's worth all the cost to upgrade or to put on my wish list for the next boat...


Author:  Walt [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Smart Tow

Have you looked into Perfect Pass?? Do a search, there are at least two other users on this site, and two of us even have threads on installation! At $1200, it was a little pricy, but the GF absolutely loves it when she drives!

Author:  SMLBound [ Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Smart Tow

Funny you mentioned that. I think it's actually cheaper by a factor of x3 for me to go with Perfect Pass, vs Smart Tow as an adder on option even though I own a MerCruiser. I'm looking into the PerfactPass StarGazer system now. Looks like something I can probably install myself in about 3 hours. For the amateur wakeboard, waterskiier like me; looks like about all I'd need. I've heard they may be temptermental with the pro sloalom skiers with magnets on boeys and such, but we're nowhere near that sophisticated... :wink:

Author:  pet575 [ Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Smart Tow

Walt wrote:
Have you looked into Perfect Pass?? Do a search, there are at least two other users on this site, and two of us even have threads on installation! At $1200, it was a little pricy, but the GF absolutely loves it when she drives!

I'm one of them. The Stargazer is supposed to be pretty sweet. I have the Wakeboard Pro edition that uses the paddlewheel sensor instead of GPS. Stargazer should be a MUCH easier DIY install since it involves no cutting of the hull.

Author:  Walt [ Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Smart Tow

Yeah... Look at Pet's thread on his PP install, then look at mine for stargazer (Search "Walt's Mod's"). I know I took the full day installing all the mods I had planned. PP was probably about 3-4 hrs of that. If you have any other questions, shoot 'em out too us.. I'm sure others on the forum would like to hear. Keep in mind, ours are also about the same year and engine as yours! The only thing you will need to find out is the speedo/gage diameter size and bezel color.

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