
Hub grease color
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Author:  230 Mike [ Thu May 28, 2009 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Hub grease color

OK, my turn for a question. I did a little hub maintenance tonight. All I did was pump more grease in until some of the old was forced out (SupRLube's). I admit, I've done NO hub maintenance in 3 years. There, I've unburdened myself. :lol: I mean, when you never use the boat, what's the point right?

These hubs have never had anything in them except Mobil 1 Synthetic, which is a very bright, blood red color. Some of the grease that got forced out was a darker (some much darker) plum color, and was slightly thinner than the fresh grease going in - but still seemed OK. If it was any other trailer I'd suspect overheating, but I'm anal about watching my hub temps, checking them with an IR at least once during every trip. The hottest I've ever seen them was ~120F, and that was in the heat of a late July day on the side facing the sun. Bearings are all properly loaded. There was no sign of water intrusion, unless that would explain the discoloration.

So I'm wondering if this discoloration and slight thinning indicates a problem, or was just overdue for replacement? Any opinions?

Author:  jvthundercat [ Thu May 28, 2009 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hub grease color

Just darkening with the heat cycles from the bearings. Normal don't worry.
5 times in the water is what I go by. Just add some fresh to flush thru the
old and or wet.
You will never have a problem with this method.

Author:  powellcrazy [ Fri May 29, 2009 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hub grease color

230 Mike wrote:
There was no sign of water intrusion, unless that would explain the discoloration.

So I'm wondering if this discoloration and slight thinning indicates a problem, or was just overdue for replacement? Any opinions?

I am wondering if age is the cause, water would cause to go milky.

I use STD waterproof grease, and on jet ski trailer I have noticed discoloration, I repack every season. I just blamed on use/age, the grease away from the bearing, near the dust cap, looks new, but what swishes through bearing, different color????? Don't know, I never gave much thought, just repack and use. I would bet your fine by just repacking any enjoy, with the monitoring you do, you will spot a problem way before anything goes south.

Author:  230 Mike [ Fri May 29, 2009 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hub grease color

Thanks guys, I appreciate that. I really didn't want to tear into hubs this time of year.

Author:  Walt [ Sat May 30, 2009 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hub grease color

I manage preventive maint programs for a few companies. One of the biggest failures I've seen regarding bearings is mixing synthetic, and non-synthetic grease. Basically, one globs up, and becomes a problem. It doesn't sound like that is what you are doing, I'm just saying make sure you're greases are compatible...

http://www.mindconnection.com/library/h ... compat.htm

Author:  230 Mike [ Sat May 30, 2009 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hub grease color

Oh yeah, definitely. That's why before I switched to synthetic, I pulled all the hubs, threw out all the original bearings & races, and stared with all new. Some would argue that was a waste, but it made me intimately familiar with these critical parts.

That's a great link BTW. I've looked for a chart like that forever.

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