
Tire tread stain on deck sun pad
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Author:  Decision [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Tire tread stain on deck sun pad

Ya I know, how the heck does a guy get a tire tread stain on his sunpad???

Well, this is how. This past spring when we purchased our 328 and had it transported to our marina I removed the deck sun pads in advance of having the boat transported and placed these sunpads on top of cardboard in my garage.

The problem is under this carboard was my wife's and my winter snow tires. I had applied a tire foam (keeps the tires looking shinny black) on the snows as I was awaiting to get them out of my garage and into storage.

Long story short, my wife moved the cardboard a bit and part of the nice off white sunpad now was resting on this snowtire with this tire foam residue. The snow tire left an impression from the side wall of the snow tire about 3" in diameter on my sunpad .

Soap and water and magic eraser will not remove this stain. I'm afraid whatever is contained in the tire foam that was on the snow tire actually leached into the vinyl of the sun pad.

My thoughts are at this point to try a 50% bleach and 50% water and saturate a white cloth with this bleach water solution and let this cloth sit on the tire tread stain on the sun pad for an hour or so and see what happens.

But I thought I'd ask you guys for some feedback in case there is a better way to approach this.


Author:  aguyindallas [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tire tread stain on deck sun pad

I think that "may" work with the bleach, but I honestly think it may be one of those stains that fades away in due time by simply being exposed to the sun over the next summer....best of luck!

Author:  Cap'n Morgan [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tire tread stain on deck sun pad

Agree with AGinD, the sun should fade it. If you can't wait until spring, try a local tanning salon. The gal at the counter
will wonder why you are carrying the pad in the the tanning bed with you, and why you never seem to be getting a tan, but
it might just fade the tire tread stain. :mrgreen:

Or you can try this, it works for removing tires marks from vinyl fencing, vinyl floors and vinyl siding.

Wet a cloth with mineral spirits. (Spot test in a hidden area first if possible), wipe the stain as often as needed until gone.
Once the stain is removed, wash the pad with soap and water to remove any mineral spirits residue. Then spray on
some 303 or Meguiars on the whole pad .

Author:  Decision [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tire tread stain on deck sun pad

Thanks for the replies guys,

Cap'n you made me lose my train of thought (something about the gal behind the local tanning salon).........oh yea, stain on sun pad. :)

I think I'll give the mineral spirits a try on the sun pad tonight to see what happens first. Then the salon gal or beach/water solution next.

I had the deck sun pads on our boat during our two week vacation this summer and that time period didn't seem to change the stain. The sun pads remained in our house for the remainder of the summer. Maybe a longer time period in the sun might help? Spring seems like a long time away at this point.......


Author:  Decision [ Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tire tread stain on deck sun pad

Well I rubbed the tire tread stain on my deck sunpads with mineral spirits last night and didn't notice any lifting of the stain. I then poured some mineral spirits on some white paper towel and let the soaked paper towel sit on the stain for about an hour then rubbed the stain again and didn't notice any improvement.

So I made up a solution of bleach and water, soaked a white paper towel with it and let it sit on the tire tread stain and checked on it around an hour or so later and still no improvement. Grrrrr.

Decided to pour straight bleach on top of the soaked bleach/water solution and let it sit that way over night.

Checked on it this morning before heading to work and you could notice the stain is lighter. So poured some more straight bleach on the saturated white paper towel and will check on it again later this evening.


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