Hi, I did summerize the boat in the spring of 2012, but never got a chance to take it out. Due to not taking it out, I did perform all of my winterizing steps.

What a shame. The following is how I perform my maintenance in the fall with the exception of the last few years. I will definately change all fluids along with filters. The boat has been dry and stored (jacked up) in my un-heated pole barn with cement floor.
1) Performed Winterization Steps in the Following Sequence;
a) Pull both props.
b) Run water hose/muffs to lower unit & warm engine
c) Drain engine oil.
d) Re-fill oil & install oil filter.
e) Disconnect gas line & connect gas line from external gas tank and fill with gas and Mixed 50:1 outboard 2 cycle oil & stabil.
f) Attach water hose/muffs to lower unit & warm engine for 4 minutes.
g) Connect hose to muffs from 5 gallon external winterization tank filled with antifreeze & run engine until the tank is empty.
h) Install new fuel filter.
i) Remove all four engine drain plugs.
j) Slip off water hoses on engine and drain.
k) Remove/inspect engine impeller & o-ring.
2) Clean flame arrester.
3) Check power steering fluid.
4) Check engine belt for wear & tightness.
5) Check PCV valve.
6) Drain/Refill Stern Drive Gear Oil (lower unit).
7) Removed bilge (main) drain plug.
8 Flush water supply tank, re-fill & prime with 2 gallons of antifreeze.
9) Clean out bilge compartment.
10) Place 1 container of Air Drier Powder in each of the following; Bilge compartment & Ski locker.
11) Clean exterior/interior, wax, vinyl protect (309) & cover.
12) Jack up off floor.