
draining the gas tank on a 1988 215 sundowner
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Author:  cjp555 [ Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  draining the gas tank on a 1988 215 sundowner

I have what appears to be a nearly full tank of gas that is two years old. Has anyone ever drained the 50 gallon tank? Is the a drain anywhere? I am of the old school siphon crew. Looking for a better way.

Author:  chevymaher [ Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: draining the gas tank on a 1988 215 sundowner

I used a electric fuel pump. Just hooked up to where the hose went to the water separator. Run a hose out the bilge drain to the pump. Sat there and filled cans up. I got 10 gallons worth of cans I use to fill the boat. Mine is a 27 gallon but it works well.

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