
Alcholol Stove ???
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Author:  Giaccamo [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Alcholol Stove ???

HAs anyone ever used the ALcohol stove in the cabin that can tell me what I am doing wrong? I am currently on our 1st overnight of the season, "On the Hook" and boy did I need a cup (or 2) of coffee when I woke up an hour or so ago. So I put the camp style percolator coffee pot on the magma grill, and it is taking forever for it to perc, so I decide after 3 years with the boat to finally try to get the ALcohol stove going to get this coffee to perc faster! We got the electric stove with the optional alcohol burner in it for this purpose, but I had heard it was so dangerous to use, that I never tried it out before. So this morning, craving caffiene, I read the instructions, unscrew the fill hole, put in 4oz of "Stove ALcohol" since the instructions say the max fill is 6oz, and I try to light it like the instructions say using one of those long grill lighters, and NOTHING!! Do I need to put more alcohol fuel in, or am I doing something else wrong! MEanwhile, while I was fooling around with the stove, the pot finally started to perc on the magma grill. Ahhh, I feel much better now, but still wonder what is with the stove??

Author:  Brett248Vista [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:00 pm ]
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I have heard about how dangerous the alky stoves are as well. I've never used let alone seen one up close. I would imagine it's operation can't be that complicated. Has the stove alcohol been around for a while? Perhaps it has absorbed moisture? Maybe the wick in the stove is dried out (if it has one) perhaps something, somewhere is plugged up?

All I know is that I too spent a night on the hook (saturday night) and this was my first outing with the 248. In the mornin I just fired up the ol EU200i which was mounted on the swim platform and turned on MR Coffee :)

Author:  jvalich [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:11 pm ]
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We used the alchohol stove on our 248 all the time. If you never used it, I'm guessing the wick was completely dry and it will just take a bit of time for the alchohol to absorb. The one I had was the Origo. The one I looked at oa a 318 was a bit different regarding the filling from what I had. It does take a bit of time for the alcohol fumes to get to propigate.

Author:  Giaccamo [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:13 pm ]
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jvalich wrote:
I'm guessing the wick was completely dry and it will just take a bit of time for the alchohol to absorb

I suspect this was exactly the problem. I'll have to try it again next time I am on the boat. Thanks for the replies Jvalich and Brett248

Author:  Cattailspa [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

We used our on our 268 all the time. It takes a while to get it started the first time. Put a little alcohol on the wick. Thats what we ended up doing the first time.

Author:  Giaccamo [ Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Again All! Tried it again this morning, and put a little alcholol directly on the wick like Cattailspa said and it works great! IT took only a few minutes for the outer ring to ignite, and I am sure that next time on the hook, it will perc the coffee pot a lot faster than the magma grill!

I can't believe that my fear kep me from using it for the last 3 seasons!

Thanks Again,

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