Welcome to the forum, and congrats on the purchase.
Tscott456 wrote:
- Manual tachometer is not reading, digital portion is reading
Question: I assume its an internal tach issue since the digital portion is reading, thoughts?
Your logic seems correct. If it's a faria gauge, they have very good customer service.
Tscott456 wrote:
- Trim gauge is reading either all the way up or all the way down. As soon as you lower the trim from all the way up it shows down.
Question: are there adjustments for this?
There is some adjustment, but if yours jumps from all the way up to all the way down, then it is not the adjustment. 99% likely to be your sending unit under the transom bracket. They don't tend to last long.
Tscott456 wrote:
- Power steering fluid low, pump cavitation at idle. Shakes the whole motor unless you bring RPM's up. Will fill and check when I take it back out.
Question: what type of power steering fluid to use?
I've never heard of one shaking the whole engine. Usually just whines when the fluid is low because air bubbles get pumped in with the ps fluid. The pump is a standard General Motors power steering pump. AC Delco Power Steering fluid can be used, or Dextron Transmission fluid. If you have to replace the pump, it is OK to use an automotive one...nothing marine about the PS pump.

"Knot Easy" 2000 Horizon 240 Volvo 5.7GS /SX
tow: 2017 Honda PILOT EXL-AWD
prev. boats:
'87 Chaparral 198CXL 4.3 OMC Cobra
'69 Jetstar 16ft Ski Boat, 115hp Yamaha
'68 Aluminum Jon Boat, 3hp Sears
'64 Water Wings