aguyindallas wrote:
I think you may have hit sounds like the amp is going into protect mode. Pay attention to what color the LEDs on the amp are and which are on and then check them when it shuts down. This will be a good start.
I have the same problem. I boat in Lake Mead where it's over a 100 most days and even with the seat back up I shut off after an hour or two when I'm on the hook. 10-15 minutes of rest and I'm good to go for quite a while again. I have the same kicker 700watt amp that comes with the upgrade. On the plus, it really does sound good! I've thought about adding a fan back in there, but don't know if that would really help as it would be blowing extremely hot air around. All in all, it does really good for the climate it's being used in. One more note, the higher you play it, the hotter it will get and sooner it will shut off....